Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Moved In

Well, T. is more or less all moved in.

Friday and Saturday were the big days - a truckload from his place, then a trip to his parents' on Saturday to collect a couch they had been storing for him.

T's parents scare me. They are very religious, and I am very...not. T decided a long time ago that Christianity didn't do it for him, though both his brothers are still practicing. I don't have a problem with religion, but I just have no exposure, and am not interested in being converted. It is difficult to remember that T's parents honestly believe T's immortal soul is in major and immediate danger, though it does occasionally explain their reactions to things.

Saturday, I was leery of going with T to get the couch. However, his parents invited us (both of us!) for dinner, so I couldn't really back out.

Actually, the dinner went quite well. T's dad was as friendly and chatty as last time, and his mom was much more relaxed, for some reason. T took his dad out back to move the couch, leaving me with his mom, and we chatted about crafts for half an hour. The parents needed their truck back right away, so they followed us out to my house and wrestled the couch downstairs.

When they went to leave, T's mom gave him a hug...then gave me one, too. I guess it will be okay.

In other news, domestic bliss has been the order of the week. I mentioned to T how impressed I was that I really only had to tell him once about doing his 50%. I've had to remind him a couple times about little things that drive me crazy, but he really is getting it right most of the time. "Well, I told you to give me a little time to change," he said indignantly. I reminded him that I am not good at taking people's word for things. I believe in action. Now, I've seen action, and I must say things are looking a lot more hopeful. T is suddenly domestic, vaccuuming and doing dishes and calling on his way home from work to see if he should stop at the store to pick anything up. It's pretty sweet, actually.

I think he's a keeper.


Have the T-shirt said...

I'm glad everything is going so swimmingly for you!

Sounds like T's parents don't necessarily see you as the spawn of the devil or anything :P

SWF42 said...

It's amazing how easy it is for parents to come around, when they see their child is happy.

You obviously make your T. happy.

(I love the call on the way home. It's such a little thing, but it really does mean a lot.)

probitionate said...

So I'm curious; how is this 'adjusting' working from his side? Not just him adapting to you...but how he sees you adapting to him? It would be really easy to assume that he's the only one with a 'To Do' list in this regard. I'm just saying'...

jess said...

You know, Prob, that's a funny thing. I have asked, and the only thing he has ever identified is the way I approach problems a little...aggressively. I am trying hard to be more subtle, and it seems to be going okay. He keeps telling me he is perfectly content with the way things are, would be fair to expect him to have a list, but so far he hasn't shared it with me...

Esmerelda said...

I've said this before! YIPEE!