Wednesday, March 7, 2007


My dog was an adult five years ago when I got her, but she's really still a great big puppy.

She spent her morning out in the yard rolling around in the snow, as if nothing could possibly feel better. Actually, the only things she likes better than snow are ducks and rabbits. For supper. After she runs them down. I've never actually seen her catch one, but gawd, she tries hard...

I think she was extra-enthusiastic with her snow angels because the weather has been warm. She probably knows the snow will be gone soon. By soon, I mean mid-May, but still...

With several consecutive days of plus-temperatures, the exposed ground under my deck has started to thaw, as well. My dog is an amateur archaeologist, and was delighted to resume excavation. I am not entirely sure what she thinks she will find, but from the size of the hole, I suspect she is looking for Chinese artefacts. I will have to explain to her that coming upon them from the bottom messes up the dating.

Mr UK called last night, in relation to a rather raunchy webpage I coded and sent to him. My HTML skills are coming along nicely, though he said he was too distracted to even look at the code. I would call that a success. I was quite pleased with the page, myself, and am happy to get the intended reaction. Essentially, it was a nude picture of myself, set up so that he could click on different bits of it, and it would take him to a different section of the page, with more photos and some graphic reminiscing. He was impressed.

Of course, he wanted to know how soon he could fly me back over. It led to an arguement. He thinks I'm silly. I agreed - I am silly, but as much as I'd love to spend a week with him in Berlin, I'm just not comfortable accepting such a lavish gift right now. He said we would discuss it again later. I suggested we discuss it next year, when I have more money. Unfortunately, Mr UK is at least as stubborn as I am, and appears intent on grinding me down. It's almost worth agreeing, just to avoid the yelling match. Aah, well, nice to know he cares, at least...


probitionate said...

Leos and Virgos.

heavy sigh

The 'test' of a peaceful existence for me. My life has been filled with them. As I believe everyone we have in our life is here for a reason, I can't get too angry. Because they're learning valuable lessons, too.

SWF42 said...

Just go.

Get laid.

Come home.

(Or, have him send me the ticket. I love Berlin! :-) )

SWF42 said...

Woo hoo! Speedie took her approval-delay off comments! Does that mean you trust us to behave ourselves now?


Have the T-shirt said...

I'm with SWF, just go! GO!! GOOOO!!!

Instead of spending the time between NOW and the trip arguing with UK, accept, and spend it enjoying the sweet anticipation.

Doesn't that sound lovely?

jess said...

You guys are every bit as incorrigible as Mr UK...


Have the T-shirt said...

He's paying us to say this shit!

jess said...

LOL, I wouldn't put it past him...

probitionate said...

And if you do go, can you bring me back a sizable tube of Savlon...?
