Saturday, February 10, 2007

London Day One

The plane ride was pure hell.

I hadn't had any sleep...I only started packing at midnight. I had to be up early to drop off the dog. My flight was delayed. My period came mid-flight. Thank god I always keep an emergency tampon.

Mr. UK was waiting at the gate, gave a big hug and kiss, and I really don't remember the hour tube ride to his place.

I remember the couple hours after that...very nice...but his bedroom looked like a CSI crime scene...


WingWoman said...

Delighted to hear that you arrived safe and sound, speedwobble.

CSI scene, eh? I'm guessing that's AFTER an hour there ;-)

Eileen Dover said...


SWF42 said...

I have never been able to be comfortable with having sex on my period, at least not the first two or three days. It's just too messy for me.

But, I'm glad you didn't let mother nature stand in the way of your London adventure! :-)

jess said...

WW - no idea how long we'd been here, but...yeah...

SWF - really? I think messy is fun, as long as your partner doesn't get freaked out. To heck with mother nature - the Great Wall of China couldn't have kept us apart after all that anticipation...