Saturday, February 3, 2007

Too Much Honesty?

Poor Mr. UK.

My sister called awhile back, for a chat. I reminded her that I was going to London, and asked her for her shopping list - she lived there for years, and often comments on all the things she just can't find in Canada.

Sis asked me how I could afford the trip, as I had been complaining about being broke for quite awhile. I told her that Mr. UK was paying. Sis laughed - she got us together in the first place, the first time I went overseas to visit her.

"Why won't he buy ME a ticket to London?" She quipped.

"Probably because you won't suck his cock" I replied.


"Good Point. Can you get me some tattoo cream from the place down by Holborn Station? He'll know the place I'm talking about"

Really, it wasn't THAT interesting a conversation.

I asked Mr. UK about the shop that Sis was referring to. He said he knew it, then asked if Sis knew I was coming to visit HIM. I told him of course she did.

"Does she know I'm flying you over?" He asked.


"What does she think of that?"

"She wants to know why you won't fly HER over," I replied.

"What did you tell her?"

"That it's probably because she won't suck your cock."


...gawk...snrrrrff...cough, CHOKE, sniff...

I could actually hear the coffee spray out his nose from 7,000 miles. Best comic timing I've ever managed.

"You told her WHAT?!?"

"You heard me."

"You DIDN'T...Seriously, say you didn't..."

...poor Mr. UK...


SWF42 said...

Duh. Of course you did.

Do men think they're the only ones who talk sex with friends/family?

Silly boys.

Eileen Dover said...



Anonymous said...

Nah, we all know which sex thinks, talks and fantasizes about it more than the other sex. I can’t remember which comedian said this, but it was something like “if it wasn’t for girls, I would still be playing with my GI JOEs”.


Anonymous said...

Well in this context it sounds very humours, and it is. And I don't have a problem with anything stated here as its all true. My issue was more so that 1) SW said that to said sister in that way 2) I was not prepared for that level of bluntness right then.

Please bear in mind that me and SW's sister have been friends for a very very long time. She moved into my flat when she first moved to London, and TBH we have been friends more of the past years than me and SW were.

So I have no problem with anything it just was slightly shocking in its candid manner. And I would fly Sister here for a visit if she (and her very cool BF) wanted to come to visit, but she would never even consider the offer as she wont usually even let me buy her a drink when we meet up, and she hates London so its not really a high probability.

BTW - swf41 I do take some umbrage at your comment as its slightly presumptuous of me and who I am - I never doubted that the conversation was ever had or would be had or that it would be discreet in any matter - I just was caught slightly off guard at the tone that the information was conveyed in that's all.